Monday, February 19, 2007
Johnny Hartman rarity
Speaking as I was---only last Saturday hereabouts---of the magnificent singer, Johnny Hartman, I was reminded of a tape that a friend of mine gave to me that was recorded at a Hartman nightclub rehearsal many years ago. Most of the songs on it are regulars in Johnny's repertoire, and the sound quality of the recording leaves more than a little to be desired. But the tape has never been heard by almost anyone else but me. The only other two auditing exceptions being Clint Eastwood (fearlessly predicted by me to win this year's Best Picture Oscar) and his music director, Lennie Neihaus. I was in negotiations with them to release part of it on Eastwood's record label. But the talks kind of just dribbled off into nada-ness as such things tend to do in this town. . .this town. . . this crazy town where the future somes to die (i.e., L.A.) tend to do. But recollections of all that lit a fire under me to share a portion of the recording with my readers, er, listeners, um, viewers. (Windows Media Player required). And so. . .
Unfortunately, the link is no longer alive. Do we have a second chance? Johnny Hartman.. Forgotten being one of the greatest..