Saturday, December 08, 2007

The BESTEST Christmas CD Ever?

Far superior to "I Wanna Spend Christmas With Elvis," easily more memorable than "Twimmin' the Cwis'mas Twee," yes, even better 'n "Christmas Done Got Funky"! I refer to the brand new CD, "Carols from the Bells," a musical Yuletide present from "The Hearts of Music Fund," an L.A. non-profit fund established to assist musicians with emergency medical needs.
The recording, just released, was arranged and conducted in the Fall of 2007 by L.A. "First Call" trombonist, Bill Reichenbach. (He of the Fabulous Flying Reichenbachs.) The assemblage is known as Trombones-L.A.
Consisting of the playing of 22 (sometimes all at once!) of Hollywood's finest bonistes applying their talents and instruments of various permutations (tenor, bass, contra bass) to 25 tracks, consisting of a wide range of seasonal repertoire, Christmas music just doesn't get any better than this.
The repertoire ranges from the traditional, in some instances like you've never heard before---as in the case of this "Jingle Bells" --- to what is believed to be the only recording of the Hugo Friedhofer Main Title from the holiday classic, "The Bishop's Wife."
You can order it from---proceeds go to Hearts of Music--- Hearts of Music, 2751 Westshire Drive, Hollywood, CA 90068. $18 P&H included. For quantity prices and shipping, email:
For a good cause, a musical bargain at thrice the price, and great to listen to any time of the year!

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