Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lest we forget. . .

. . .today is the centenary of the birth of Lee Wiley. Here is a link to my multifarious blog posts re: the the great Lee over the years.


  1. I thought I was the only one who would remember this day, I made a little something for her on my blog too =) I love Lee!!

  2. Without knowing that it was the centenary of her birth, I found myself playing all my Lee Wiley recordings last week and the week before that. And marveling at them all over again...Just got hold of Touch of the Blues and was astonished at how brilliant she sounded on that album, which is superior to West of the Moon (over-recorded, echo chamber engineering, not Lee's fault for one moment, but rather RCA's) Introduced Lee Wiley to my mother last year~for some odd reason Lee's voice had eluded her all these 86 years. She saw the point of Lee instantly, to her lasting credit!
