Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bob Sings Fran

A demo to secure other recordings of these songs, with words mostly by the wonderful lyricist Fran Landesman, and music by Tommy Wolf and others. All sung by Bob Dorough, who also wrote some of music. I can recall the circustances surrounding the purchase of nearly every recording in my collection, and this one is no exception. At a midtown, west side NYC Sally's (Salavation Army)  thrift store in 1975 just before I moved to LA from NYC circa '75. One of my better finds over the years. Never came across another copy. A surprise that this was, to the best of knowlege, never commercially released.

(Available for download for the next 24 hours only.)


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM


    I can't thank you enough for these very rare recordings you've been making available. I have so enjoyed listening to these.

    I am really looking forward to hearing this one.

    Tom B.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Truly amazing, thanks!!

  3. Bill,

    I missed this completely. I wonder if it is at all possible for you to re-upload it, or possibly obtain a copy, maybe for use in a Bob Dorough radio special

  4. I can only read your email if I post it as a comment, please contact me privately at
